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El creixement #Huawei s'accelera malgrat les amenaces dels EUA




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Huawei defied increasing US scrutiny and bans on its equipment in some countries by recording higher than forecasted revenue growth in the first two months of the year.

Ren Zhengfei, Huawei founder and CEO

Ren Zhengfei, Huawei founder and CEO (pictured), said during a speech in Moscow that sales in January and February increased 35.8 per cent from the same period in 2018. The speech was published on the company’s internal forum and shared with Mobile World Live.

He noted the strong growth “is a testimony of everyone’s efforts…The company is more united…and not afraid of difficulties”.

The company’s revenue in 2018 increased 21 per cent year-on-year to $108.5 billion and is forecast to rise 15 per cent in 2019, which would be the same rate as in 2017.

A month ago Huawei said it had signed more than 30 5G contracts and shipped more than 40,000 compatible base stations. A representative said there was no update on those figures.

Huawei recently stepped up its efforts in the US to fight bans on its equipment, last week filing a motion for the Federal Communications Commission to drop a proposed rule which would block operators from using government funds to buy its equipment. Earlier in the month the company filed a lawsuit in a US federal court, challenging a ban on government agencies using its gear and seeking a permanent injunction against the restriction.


Abraham Lui, Huawei’s European Head

Abraham Lui  (Pictured), Huawei’s European Head , is leading the campaign in the EU institutions to explain to policy makers that Huawei products are safe and secure.

“We are part of the solution, not part of the problem. Huawei has never been asked by any government to build any backdoors or interrupt any networks, and we would never tolerate such behaviour by any of our staff.” Said Abraham Lui.

“Cyber security has always been our top priority and we have a proven track record of providing secure products and solutions for our customers in Europe and around the world. Today, the ICT supply chain is highly globalized. Cyber security needs to be addressed jointly at a global level, and equipment vendors should not be treated differently based on their country of origin.

“Singling out one vendor does nothing to help the industry identify and address cyber security threats more effectively.

“We stand ready to provide any information and are committed to maintaining an open dialogue with our European partners on security-related issues.”

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