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Ajuts estatals: la Comissió aprova el suport holandès per compensar els danys vinculats a l'extracció de gasos a la província de #Groningen




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The European Commission has found that the support put in place by the Netherlands to compensate damage to real estate caused by earthquakes induced by drilling in the Groningen gas field is in line with EU state aid rules. The Dutch authorities notified to the Commission a plan to set up a non-profit foundation to manage real estate activities related to the repair and sale of buildings in the area concerned.

This is required because the province suffers from earthquakes caused by gas extraction in the Groningen gas field. Three quarters of the activities of the foundation will be financed by Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschapij, a company involved in gas extraction at the Groningen gas field, while the remaining quarter will be financed in part by the State through a €10 million grant. The Commission is satisfied that the repair activities are ultimately funded by Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschapij, in line with the polluter pays principle. The Commission found that the financing by the state ensures the continuity of real estate transactions in the area and does not confer an advantage to Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschapij. The Commission therefore concluded that the measure does not constitute state aid.

Hi haurà més informació a la Comissió pàgina web del concurs, A la Registre d'ajudes estatals sota el número de cas SA.47866.

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