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Fiscalia Europea: Holanda es converteix en el 21è país per unir esforços comuns per protegir #EUBudget contra el frau




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The European Commission has confirmed the Netherlands as the 21st EU-member state to join the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) which will play a key role in fighting crimes against the EU budget such as fraud, corruption, money laundering or serious cross-border VAT fraud above €10 million.

It will be operational by the end of 2020 in all participating member states. Justice, Gender Equality and Consumers Commissioner Vera Jourová said: "Crime knows no borders, therefore we have to work together to fight it. I welcome the Netherlands today as a new member of the European Public Prosecutor's Office. The more EU countries join, the broader the reach of the EPPO, and the more money can be recovered. This is why I urge all remaining member states to join this essential network in the fight against fraud and corruption, so that we can ensure that every cent of the EU budget is spent to the benefit of our citizens."

Member states that have not yet chosen to participate in the European Public Prosecutor's Office can join at any time after the adoption of the Regulation, if they wish to do so. On 14 June 2018, Malta notified the Commission of its intention to participate. The Commission is examining this notification in line with the procedure set out in Article 331 TFEU and is expected to take a decision shortly. The following EU countries are already participating to the EPPO: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Slovenia.

El comunicat de premsa complet està disponible aquí, and a memo with more information aquí

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