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La lluita de la UE contra el #Terrorisme




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Activitat de patrulla de seguretat per prevenir el terrorisme. Foto de Manu Sanchez a UnsplashActivitat de patrulla de seguretat per prevenir el terrorisme. Foto de Manu Sanchez a Unsplash

The fight against terrorism is one of the EU’s priorities. Discover the key facts on terrorism in Europe and find out what the EU is doing to fight it.

El terrorisme a Europa

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of terrorist threats and attacks, a trend that started in 2015 with the shooting at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo a París.

In 2017, 62 people were killed in 33 religiously-inspired terrorist attacks in the EU, compared to 135 deaths in 13 attacks in 2016, according to Europol. Many more attacks were foiled or failed in 2017 than in 2016.

Get a clear picture of the evolution of terrorism in the EU and the latest trends.

EU measures explained

EU measures to prevent new attacks are wide-ranging and thorough. They span from cutting the financing of terrorism, tackling organised crime, and strengthening border controls to addressing radicalisation and improving police and judicial cooperation on tracing suspects and pursuing perpetrators.


Find explanations of Mesures de la UE contra el terrorisme in infographic and videos.

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