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El Parlament Europeu vota per defensar l'imperi de la llei en Hongria amb vot històric 




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In an unprecedented move, MEPs have just voted in favour of starting procedures against the Hungarian government for breaching European values on the rule of law. The resolution by Greens/EFA rapporteur in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Judith Sargentini was supported by over two-thirds of MEPS. The Hungarian government has taken a series of authoritarian moves in recent years, which have seen the closing of media outlets, the shrinking of civil society space and targeting refugees and threatening academia, all of which are in clear breach of European valors.

Judith Sargentini Greens/EFA rapporteur in the Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE) said: "Viktor Orbán's government has been leading the charge against European values by silencing independent media, replacing critical judges, and putting academia on a leash. Individuals close to the government have been enriching themselves, their friends and family members at the expense of Hungarian and European taxpayers.

"The Hungarian people deserve better, they deserve freedom of speech, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice and equality, all of which are enshrined in the European treaties. This is a historic result for Hungarian citizens and for European citizens everywhere, that the European Parliament has voted by a large majority to stand up for the values we all hold dear. It's very welcome that members chose to put the rule of law above party politics, now it's time for EU member states in the European Council to show the same resolve."

Greens/EFA Group President Philippe Lamberts said: "It's fantastic that so many MEPs including those from the same political family as Viktor Orban's Fidesz are willing to stand up for European values. Hungary's place is at the heart of Europe. The Hungarian government should take a long, hard look in the mirror and bring itself back on the path to European democracy."

The Sargentini report on the rule of law in Hungary

The report will now be debated by EU member states in the European Council.

Rule of law in Hungary: Parliament calls on the EU to act


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