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El Parlament aprova € 34m a #EUAid a #Greece, #Poland, #Lithuania i #Bulgaria




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EU Solidarity Fund (EUSF) aid worth €34 million, to help reconstruction in Greece, Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria after natural disasters in 2017, has been approved by MEPs.

The aid includes €16,918,941 for repairs and reconstruction in Lithuania after continuous rainfall throughout the summer and autumn of 2017 caused floods that damaged drainage systems, dams and roads as well as agricultural land. The money will be used to help restore the water network and management infrastructure.

Poland will receive €12,279,244 to repair damage done by violent storms and heavy rainfall in the three regions of Kuyavian-Pomerania, Pomerania, and Greater Poland, destroying tens of thousands of hectares of forests and crops as well as transport and energy infrastructure.

Storms and floods also hit the region of Burgas, in south-eastern Bulgaria, which will obtain €2,258,225 in EUSF aid.

Finalment, Grècia rebrà € 2,535,796 per reparar danys greus a parts de l'illa de Kos provocades per un terratrèmol al juliol 2017.

L'informe de Janusz Lewandowski (EPP, PL), was approved by 652 votes to 26, with 4 abstentions. The requisite amending budget No 4/2018, by rapporteur Siegfried Mureşan (EPP, RO), was approved by 654 votes to 26, with 3 abstentions.

Fulls de dades sobre l'ajut de l'EUSF a Bulgària, Grècia, Lituània i Polònia es poden trobar online on the Commission’s website. More background can be found in the Proposta de la Comissió.



The EUSF was set up in 2002 in response to disastrous flooding in central Europe in the summer of that year. Since then, repair work after more than 80 disasters — including floods, forest fires, earthquakes, storms and drought — in all Els països de la 24 de la UE han rebut ajudes de l'EUSF per un import superior als € 5 mil milions.

Els diners del Fons de Solidaritat de la UE es poden utilitzar per recolzar els esforços de reconstrucció i abarcar alguns dels costos dels serveis d'emergència, l'allotjament temporal, les operacions de neteja i la protecció del patrimoni cultural, per tal d'alleujar la càrrega financera de les autoritats nacionals a la regió estela de desastres naturals.

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