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#StateAid - La Comissió aprova 306 milions d'euros en finançament públic grec per a la construcció del tram sud de l'autopista E65




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The European Commission has approved under EU state aid rules Greek public support of €306 million to the concessionaire of the Central Greece Motorway project, Kentriki Odos SA, for the construction of the southern section of the Central Greece Motorway (E65). The Commission assessed the measure under Article 107 (3) (c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which allows state aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or areas.

The Commission found that the support measure is in line with EU state aid rules given that: (i) it will contribute to objectives of common EU interest and in particular to EU transport policy, as it will support the completion of the Trans-European road network and improve transport links for Greek citizens living in the Sterea Ellada region and (ii) it is necessary and proportionate for the implementation of the project.

Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: "The construction of the southern section of the Central Greece motorwaywill improve the transport links for Greek citizens in the region, in line with EU transport policy objectives and the completion of the Trans European road network. Our decision today will allow the Greek government to support the building of this important new stretch of motorway."

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