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#EIT - La Comissió dóna la benvinguda a tres nous membres al consell rector de l'Institut Europeu d'Innovació i Tecnologia




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The Commission has appointed three new members to the Governing Board of the Institut Europeu d'Innovació i Tecnologia (EIT), based in Budapest: Sasha Bezuhanova from Bulgaria, Barbara Nowakowska from Poland and Laima Kauspadiene from Lithuania.

The EIT Governing Board oversees the strategic direction of the EIT as well as the selection of its operating partners - the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) - and is composed of experienced professionals in the fields of education, research and business.

Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commmissioner Tibor Navracsics (a la foto), responsible for the EIT, said: "The new EIT governing board members are highly respected for their work in the fields of business, innovation and entrepreneurship. I am confident that they will strengthen the EIT's capacity to support sustainable innovation ecosystems across Europe and promote an entrepreneurial mind-set. I am particularly proud that, for the first time, more women than men will sit on this board. I trust that this will help us promote women innovators and entrepreneurs even more effectively."

Sasha Bezuhanova has extensive experience in the digital industry and innovative business sector in Bulgaria and worldwide. She is co-founder and chairwoman of MOVE.BG, a platform to foster social cohesion through innovation and collaboration. Barbara Nowakowska has been managing the Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association PSIK for the past 15 years and has recently served as a member of the High Level Group of experts for the strategic review of the EIT.

Laima Kauspadiene is an expert in entrepreneurship, innovation ecosystems, knowledge and technology transfer. She is currently the CEO of Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park, a non-profit organization founded in 2003 in Vilnius to boost cooperation between research, education and innovation via Sunrise Valley, the biggest institution of its kind in the Baltic States. As members of the EIT Governing Board, the three women will participate in all the EIT's strategic decision-making.

Més informació està disponible aquí i en això full de dades.


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