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#StateAid - La Comissió aprova un suport públic de 15 milions d'euros per promoure el desplaçament del trànsit de mercaderies de la carretera a les vies fluvials a #Suècia




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The European Commission has approved under EU state aid rules a €15 million (SEK 150 million) support scheme to encourage the shift of freight traffic from road to waterways in Sweden. The Ecobonus scheme, which will run until 31 December 2020, will support the establishment of new maritime and inland waterway routes and the upgrade of existing routes. The aid takes the form of a direct grant to ship-owners.

Under the scheme, the Swedish government will support up to 30% of the operational costs for shipping services or, alternatively, 10% of investment costs for trans-shipment equipment. The measure, which is part of an initiative to promote fossil-fuel free transport, will contribute to decreasing emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases while, at the same time, preserving competition in the Single Market.

On this basis, the Commission concluded that the measure is compatible with EU State aid rules, in particular Article 93 del Tractat de funcionament de la Unió Europea pel que fa a la coordinació del transport i de la Comissió Directrius sobre ajudes estatals al transport marítim. More information will be available under the case number SA.50217 in the State Aid Register on the Commission's competència Un cop s'hagi resolt algun problema de confidencialitat.

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