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El tancament de #Fessenheim no pot amagar l'agenda nuclear del govern francès - cita de # MichèleRivasi




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On 27 November, French President Macron (A la foto) announced the closure of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant in 2020 and other nuclear plants by 2035. However, the closure of just 4-6 reactors by 2030 will in effect see several operations prolonged beyond their safe limits of 40 years.

Michèle Rivasi, spokesman on nuclear power for the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, said: "Today's announcement cannot hide the general nuclear agenda of the French government. President Emmanuel Macron talks about 'nouveau nucléaire' such as the Evolutionary Power Reactor that produce much more expensive electricity than renewable energies and are still difficult to control and risky. Mr Macron needs to do far more if he wants a green and social energy transition.

"It's time to start taxing carbon emissions and making companies pay their fair share towards a cleaner tomorrow. France has a key role to play in the EU meeting its Paris Climate Commitments, and right now the French government needs to be far more ambitious and more radical if we are to avoid climate catastrophe."

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