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El Parlament respon € 2.3 milions d'ajuts per ajudar els treballadors de mitjans redundants 550 a #Grecia




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Els treballadors dels mitjans de comunicació 550 rebutjats per tres editorials rebran ajuda de la UE per valor de € 2,308,500 per ajudar-los a trobar nous llocs de treball.

The aid will be used to fund a series of measures co-financed by the Fons d'Adaptació a la Globalització Europea (EGF). These measures will help the 550 workers to find new jobs by providing them with occupational guidance, training, retraining and vocational training, specific advice geared towards entrepreneurship, contributions to business start-ups and a variety of allowances. All the redundant workers are expected to be included in the measures.

All the redundancies occurred in Attica, which accounts for 35% of total Greek unemployment and for 36% of long-term unemployment. In total, 15% of the workers made redundant are over 55 years old, and 42% are women, says the reportar by Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D, ES). They were employed by the three enterprises Lambrakis Press SA (DOL), Ethnos Publications SA and Pegasus Magazines Publications.

Durant el període 2011-2017, les vendes de premsa diària i periòdica es van desplomar a Grècia. Les vendes de diaris van caure de 144 milions de còpies en 2011 a 57 milions a 2017 i les vendes de revistes van caure de 60 milions de còpies a 23 milions.

Greece argues that the steady decline in the sector is the consequence of the global economic and financial crisis, which still affects the Greek economy (decline in per capita real GDP, rising unemployment, decreasing salaries and reduced household income etc.), coupled with the rapid digital evolution, which is transforming the publishing sector.

The total estimated cost of the package is €3.8 million, of which the EGF would provide €2.3m (60%).

El reportar by Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D, ES), recommending that Parliament approve the aid, was passed by the full house on Thursday by 556 votes to 76, and 4 abstentions.



The European Globalization Adjustment Fund contributes to packages of tailor-made services to help redundant workers find new jobs. Its annual ceiling is €150m.

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