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Seguretat de les xarxes #5G: els estats membres completen les avaluacions de risc nacionals




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Following the Commission Recommendation for a common European approach to the security of 5G networks, 24 EU member states have now completed the first step and submitted national risk assessments. These assessments will feed into the next phase, a EU-wide risk assessment which will be completed by 1 October.

Security Union Commissioner Julian King and Digital Economy and Society Commissioner Mariya Gabriel welcomed this important step forward and said: “We are pleased to see that most member states have now submitted their risk assessments. Following the support expressed by the European Council on 22 March for a concerted approach, member states responded promptly to our call for concrete measures to help ensure the cybersecurity of 5G networks across the EU.

"The national risk assessments are essential to make sure that Member States are adequately prepared for the deployment of the next generation of wireless connectivity that will soon form the backbone of our societies and economies. We urge member states to remain committed to the concerted approach and to use this important step to gain momentum for a swift and secure rollout of 5G networks. Close EU-wide cooperation is essential both for achieving strong cybersecurity and for reaping the full benefits, which 5G will have to offer for people and businesses.

"The completion of the risk assessments underlines the commitment of member states not only to set high standards for security but also to make full use of this groundbreaking technology.”

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