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#Italy - El president del Comitè d'Afers Econòmics i Monetaris del Parlament Europeu esdevé ministre de finances italià




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Following the announcement that a new Italian government will be sworn in today (5 September), the leader of the S&D Group in the European Parliament, Iratxe García, said: “We are very pleased to see a new government that places Italy back at the table of those willing to build a stronger and reformed Europe.

“Our group loses an important member with the appointment of S&D MEP Roberto Gualtieri (a la foto), but Italy gains a minister of finance and economy with heavy political weight, authority and extensive experience in the European Union.

“The responsibility undertaken by the Partito Democratico during this political crisis shows how crucial progressive forces are for any country’s interest, but also for Europe, in particular at the most challenging and testing times.”

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