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Descobreix els finalistes #LUXFilmPrize en un cinema a prop teu




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A political murder mystery, a thriller about power and corruption and the story of an anti-heroine challenging patriarchal traditions are coming to a cinema near you.

The three films are the finalists for this year’s LUX Prize from the Parliament and are being brought to cinemas across Europe during the LUX Film days from this month until February 2020.

"Cold case Hammarskjöld", "The realm", and "God exists, her name Is Petrunya" are very different films, but they have some things in common: they are European and their stories make us think about politics, values, traditions and they challenge our preconceptions.

Discover them during the LUX Film Days from October to February and vote for your favourite.

The LUX Film Days

Film lovers can watch the three contenders during the LUX Film Days at film festivals or cinemas in all EU countries from October 2019 to February 2020. Screenings are planned in more than 50 cities including major film festivals. To make them available to everyone, the European Parliament pays for the subtitling into the EU's 24 official languages. Check the free-of-charge screenings in your country aquí.

Votar per la seva pel·lícula favorita before 31 January and you have the chance to win a trip to the Karlovy Vary International film festival in the Czech Republic next July to personally announce the winner of the audience mention prize.


Events especials

Three simultaneous screenings offer an opportunity to discuss the films with their directors.

The directors will be in Brussels, but you can join in online and send your questions through Twitter and Facebook even from your sofa at home:

  • Wednesday 6 November with director Teona Mitevska following the screening of "God exists, her name Is Petrunya"
  • Thursday 7 November with director Rodrigo Sorogoyen following the screening of “The realm”
  • Friday 8 November with director Mads Brügger following the screening of “Cold case Hammarskjöld’

All of the screenings begin at 8pm CET.

Les tres pel·lícules

Cold Case Hammarskjöld by Danish director Mads Brügger

Dag Hammarskjöld died in a suspicious plane crash in 1961 on his way to ceasefire negotiations in order to resolve a conflict in Katanga, Congo, in which significant economic interests were at stake. The Swedish UN Secretary General was a progressive politician who wanted to prevent Western countries such as Britain and France from reinstating their influence in Africa, after colonies had gained independence. Brügger’s slow-building documentary sheds light onto the mystery. This is the third time in the LUX Prize’s history that a documentary is among the three finalists.

Déu existeix, el seu nom és Petrunya by NorthernMacedonian director Teona Strugar Mitevska

Què passa quan una dona participa en una cursa tradicionalment reservada als homes i aconsegueix aconseguir una santa creu que un sacerdot ortodox llança al riu? Petrunya ho fa precisament i enfuritza tant els homes com el sacerdot, que atrau la policia al cas. Tot i que inicialment no és feminista, Petrunya es nega a cedir davant les exigències que li retornin la creu i lluiti per la igualtat de drets. "Per què no tinc dret a un any de bona fortuna?" demana referint-se al "premi" per al guanyador del concurs.

El regne by Spanish director Rodrigo Sorogoyen

Fins on arribarà algú al poder? Aquest thriller amb adrenalina tracta de la corrupció política. Narra la història de la desaparició d’un polític d’èxit i del seu feudat, que havia semblat destinat a durar per sempre. Prepareu-vos per arguments amargs, tensos i persegueixen enfrontaments amb una premsa de sondeig.

La selecció de la pel·lícula guanyadora

MEPs choose the winning film. The winner will be announced during the award ceremony on 27 November during the plenary session in Strasbourg.

Sobre el premi Lux Film

El Parlament Europeu atorga cada any el premi Lux Film amb l'objectiu de donar suport a la producció i distribució de pel·lícules europees, estimulant la reflexió sobre temes polítics i socials actuals i celebrant la cultura europea.

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