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La Comissió Europea proposarà un Digital Green Pass




christian wiegand, european commission spokesperson

La Comissió Europea ha anunciat que presentarà una proposta legislativa per a un passi verd digital el 17 de març. El certificat contindrà la prova que una persona ha estat vacunada, els resultats de les proves per a aquells que encara no van poder rebre una vacuna i també poden considerar la recuperació del COVID-19. El Digital Green Pass té com a objectiu permetre la circulació segura de persones a tota la Unió Europea o més enllà. 

Asked about the proposal, European Commision spokesperson Christian Wiegand said that if the passes were to be in place by the summer, member states would need to move quickly in their preparations and rollout. He said that countries had already agreed on basic data requirements. The European Commission would take a co-ordinating role ensuring high security standards and helping to connect different national health services. 

The EU’s aim is to facilitate safe free movement - apart from vaccination, the EU will be looking at other categories of information to avoid discrimination.

Belgian Foreign Minister and former prime minister Sophie Wilmès tweeted: “The idea of a standardized European system that allows each individual to gather pieces of information about one’s vaccination, COVID-tests, etc. on a single digital document (certificate) is a good one.”

However, she added that the notion of a "pass" is confusing in relation to the objective that this certificate should pursue.


In a further tweet, Wilmès wrote: “For Belgium, there is no question of linking vaccination to the freedom of movement around Europe. Respect for the principle of non-discrimination is more fundamental than ever since vaccination is not compulsory and access to the vaccine is not yet generalized.”

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