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#EuropeanCinemaNight: 34 ciutats de la UE ofereixen projeccions gratuïtes de pel·lícules europees




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The first edition of the European Cinema Night is taking place on 3-7 December 2018 across the EU.

Digital Economy and Society Commissioner Mariya Gabriel said: "Cinema is an essential part of our rich and diverse European culture and is contributing to reinforce bonds between people feeling the same passion and emotion on a movie. The European cinema nights are an occasion to show this diversity and to illustrate the importance of supporting a rich, free and diverse film production."

Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commissioner Tibor Navracsics added: "European films are part of our cultural heritage which we have been celebrating all year with the objective of making it accessible to everyone. In this spirit, the European cinema nights will show citizens how European policy is linked to their lives, to the emotions they feel at cinemas, and how by attending a local event they can be part of an experience shared across Europe.”

The European Cinema Night was launched as part of the Programa MEDIA d’Europa creativa, which has supported the European audiovisual sector for the past 27 years. Over the course of one week, some 50 free screenings will take place across the EU.

Hi ha més informació disponible a el comunicat de premsa, full de dades i an interactive map with all the screenings and participating cinemas.

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