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Els operadors de telecomunicacions de Myanmar restauren el servei d'Internet




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Internet access in Myanmar was restored on 7 February after authorities ordered the country’s operators to turn off data service the day before, following widespread anti-government protests. Telenor Myanmar issued a short statement saying its data network started operating from 14h Sunday.

Less than 24 hours before, the company said the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MoTC) directed all mobile operators to temporarily shut down data networks, noting voice and SMS services remained open.

Telenor Group said in a separate statement it complied with the directive, as required by its licence, but added it “views this development with deep concern. We have emphasised to the authorities that access to telecom services should be maintained at all times, especially during times of conflict, to ensure people’s basic right to freedom of expression and access to information”.

Late last week, the country’s operators were told by MoTC to bloquejar l'accés to Facebook and Instagram until February 7.

Myanmar’s military declared a state of emergency on 1 February after a coup ousted Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government.

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