Eurostat’s podcast series Stats in a Wrap offers a captivating journey into the world of statistics. Stats in a Wrap aims to look at the world through the...
In the third quarter of 2024, the EU economy greenhouse gas emissions were estimated at 767 million tonnes of CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq), a 0.6% decrease compared with the same quarter of 2023 (772...
In 2023, the amount of municipal waste generated per person in the EU amounted to 511 kg, 4 kg less than in 2022 (515 kg) and 23 kg less than...
El 2023, la producció total de joieria a la UE va assolir els 4,363 milions d'euros, la qual cosa suposa un augment de l'1% respecte als 4,321 milions d'euros del 2022. Itàlia va ser el principal productor, amb...
The Commission has opened applications to reward actors along the organic value chain who develop projects that improve the production and consumption of organic food. From...
President Ursula von der Leyen attended the annual Munich Security Conference and gave a keynote speech in which she described a world with competing visions and a more transactional approach to global...
L'11 de febrer, al Palau de San Carlos, la seu del Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors de Colòmbia i la Unió Europea es van reunir per al segon Diàleg d'Alt Nivell...