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#Euronest - Llevar a terme reformes és el millor camí a seguir per als socis orientals de la UE




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Delivering reforms is the best way to tackle challenges to EU and Eastern Partnership countries, such as security and migration, MEPs and MPs have agreed.

7th ordinary Session of Euro Nest at the European Parliament in Brussels7th ordinary Session of Euro Nest at the European Parliament in Brussels 

“Over the past seven years, this Parliamentary Assembly has dealt with many aspects of economic, political and cultural life. We meet to exchange views, learn from each other and to strengthen our freedom and sovereignty. It is very important that the decisions we make here translate into direct benefits for citizens of partner countries and EU member states“, said European Parliament Vice-President Zdzisław Krasnodębski (ECR, PL) at the opening of the 7th session of the Assemblea Parlamentària Euronest in Brussels, which brought together MEPs and national MPs from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to debate common challenges in the Eastern Partnership.

Euronest Assembly Co-President Rebecca Harms (Greens/EFA, DE) suggested that Euronest should focus on exploring better ways to help partner countries to deliver reforms and tackle regional security challenges, including those to energy supplies and infrastructure, cyber-attacks, fake news, organized crime and migration. “The EU must also play a more active role in the peaceful resolution of frozen conflicts,” Harms added.

Moldovan MP and Euronest Assembly Co-President Marian Lupu reviewed the steps taken during the last two years to assist the Assembly’s work: establishing an ad hoc working group on the Association Agreements and promoting the “Eastern Partnership Plus” model, which could ultimately lead to Eastern Partners joining the EU customs and energy unions or the Schengen area.

Què és el següent?

The Euronest plenary, meeting until Wednesday noon, will adopt resolutions on regional security, foreign direct investment, energy efficiency and ways to tackle undeclared labour.

On Wednesday morning, the Assembly will also debate how to combat money laundering and corruption.


The plenary is web-streamed live aquí.

Punt de premsa

A press point with Euronest Co-Presidents Rebecca Harms and Marian Lupu is scheduled for Wednesday, 27 June, 12:30 in front of room 03C050, Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) building. It will be web-streamed live aquí.


El Assemblea Parlamentària Euronest was established on 3 May 2011 in Brussels as the parliamentary institution of the EU Eastern Partnership. Meeting once a year, it aims to promote political association and further economic integration between the EU and its Eastern neighbours Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The European Parliament delegates 60 members, and the Eastern Partners 10 each. Belarus does not yet take part in the Assembly's activities, but Belarusian MPs will be welcomed once political requirements have been fulfilled.

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