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Comissió Europea

Cimera web de Lisboa: la vicepresidenta Jourová i els comissaris Ferreira i Kyriakides per representar la Comissió a l'esdeveniment tecnològic més gran del món




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The Commission will participate in the Web Summit, the annual technology conference, taking place from today (1 November) to 4 November in Lisbon, Portugal. Bringing together founders and CEOs of technology companies, fast-growing start-ups, policymakers and heads of state or government, the event aims to share knowledge and experience around the latest technological trends. During the four-day Summit, Commissioners and EU experts will engage in discussions around present challenges and future perspectives of the EU digital transformation outlined in its Digital Targets for 2030

Today, Cohesion and Reforms Commissioner Elisa Ferreira (a la foto) will deliver the opening keynote address for the Corporate Innovation Summit on ‘The Innovation Divide: Bridging the Gap for Europe's Regions'.  On Tuesday, Values and Transparency Vice-President Věra Jourová will take part in a centre-stage conversation with US Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett on ‘Building back better', discussing the role of digital economies in post-COVID recovery and meet with representatives of the tech companies.

The vice president will also give a conferència de premsa to discuss next steps in shaping Europe's digital rules. On Wednesday morning, the European Start-up Nations Alliance, will be launched which will support member states in ensuring their start-ups have the best conditions to grow at every stage of their life cycle.

In the afternoon, Health and Food Safety Commissioner Stella Kyriakides will reflect on the past, present and future of Europe's pandemic response and preparedness in an interview ‘Back to the Future: Europe post-COVID'. Digital transformation is also a topic of debate by citizens across the continent in the Conference on the Future of Europe, both on the plataforma digital multilingüe i en Taules de ciutadans europeus. Join the online debate on the digital transformation aquí.

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