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El president israelià Herzog visitarà Turquia aquesta setmana, marcant el desglaç de les relacions entre els dos països




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Israeli President Isaac Herzog is to visit Turkey this week at the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, marking the thawing ties between the two countries. The two-day visit will be the first time an Israeli leader visits Turkey since 2008. The last time an Israeli president was in the country was 2003. Herzog and his wife, Michal, will be greeted with a ceremony at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on Wednesday (9 March). He will continue to Istanbul, where he will meet members of the Jewish community, writes Yossi Lempkowicz.

“The two presidents will discuss various bilateral issues, including Israel-Turkey relations and the potential for expanding collaboration between their respective states and peoples in various fields,” the Israeli president’s office said. The visit was coordinated with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and their offices. Dialogue between the two leaders began after President Erdogan called Herzog to congratulate him on his election.

That call led to a resumption of communication between Israel and Turkey after a disconnect lasting several years, according to the president’s office. Relations were frozen after the deaths of 10 Turkish activists in an Israeli operation on a Turkish flotilla aimed at the Gaza Strip in 2010. A 2015 reconciliation agreement formally restored ties, but neither country returned an ambassador to post, with Erdogan frequently criticizing Israeli actions against the Palestinians.

A delegation of top Turkish officials visited Israel last month to discuss Ankara-Jerusalem relations ahead of the Herzog’s visit. They met with Israeli Foreign Ministry Director-General Alon Ushpiz, President’s Office Director-General Eyal Shviki and other senior officials. Last week, an Israeli delegation comprising Israeli chargé d’affaires in Ankara Irit Lillian, has been visiting Ankara and Istanbul. In the meetings, held at the Turkish presidential palace and with the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the sides discussed preparations for President Herzog’s visit to Turkey. President Herzog has recently visited Greece and Cyprus.

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