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Parlament Europeu

Agressió russa contra Ucraïna: debat i resolució del ple dimarts 




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MEPs will debate with Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU Foreign Policy chief Borrell Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and vote a related resolution, sessió plenària.

The debate will take place from 12h30 to 14h30 today (1 March), and the announcement of the final vote on the draft resolution is scheduled for 16h45. The agenda of the sitting is available aquí, and the draft resolutions tabled by the political groups aquí.

Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (comprising President Roberta Metsola and the leaders of Parliament’s political groups) decided on Thursday 24 February to hold an extraordinary plenary session in Brussels to assess the situation in Ukraine. In a declaració, they condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine in the strongest possible terms and called the invasion unjustified and illegal.

You can follow the session via EP en directe i EBS +.

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