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#Education: nou informe sobre la integració d’estudiants d’origen migrant a les escoles




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En una reportar, El Xarxa Eurydice has presented a thorough,comparative mapping of national policies and measures for integrating migrant students into schools in Europe. It covers access to education; learning, psychosocial and language support; the roles of teachers and school heads; and governance.

This overview of the many different approaches and tools in European education systems provides important insights for education and integration practitioners, researchers and decision-makers alike. Integrating students from migrant backgrounds is relevant across the EU: these students tend to perform less well in school than their native-born peersand often experience a weaker sense of well-being.

Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commissioner Tibor Navracsics said: “Students from migrant backgrounds face significant challenges, as the Commission frequently highlights in its assessment of member states' social and economic priorities. Education has a critical role in promoting their integration, creating a sense of belonging around common values and encouraging them to become active members of our societies. Today's report is a valuable contribution as it shows what member states are doing to ensure that all students across Europe reach their full potential.”

To help member states facilitate the integration of students from migrant backgrounds, the EU supports a wide range of actions. These include policy cooperation and bringing policymakers and stakeholders together so they can share success stories and learn from each other – including through the Sirià independent policy network on migrant education. The EU also offers funding opportunities through the Erasmus + programme. A recent EU estudiar using data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) found that migrant students achieve better academic results when they are integrated and expect to perform well.

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