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La reclamació del primer ministre d’aposta #Salvini d’Itàlia




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The new twist in Italian coalition-building is that Silvio Berlusconi has backed Matteo Salvini (A la foto), leader of the eurosceptic far-right League, to try and form a government, escriure Mark John i Mike Dolan.

Salvini has insisted he should be the right’s candidate for prime minister given that his party emerged from the election well ahead of Berlusconi’s Forza Italia. Where this leaves prospects for a tie-up between the right-wing bloc and election-winner 5-Star remains to be seen; Claudio Borghi, the League’s economics chief, predicted yesterday the most probable government would still be a tie-up between 5-Star and the centre-left PD.

Berlusconi says will support League leader as Italy prime minister

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