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La Comissió Europea lliura els premis a 28 millors joves traductors europeus en l’onzè concurs de traducció anual #JuvenesTranslatores




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On 10 April, European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, Günther H. Oettinger, awarded a trophy and a diploma to the 28 guanyadors of the European Commission's annual translation contest 'Juvenes Translatores'.

The 28 secondary school students, one from each member state, won in a competition with over 3,300 participants from 744 schools across the continent. They all translated a one-page text on the subject of the 60th anniversary of the European Union. The participants could choose from any of the 552 possible combinations between any two of the EU's 24 official languages.

This year, students sat the competition in 144 language combinations, including translating from Polish into Finnish, and from Czech into Greek. All winners chose to translate into their strongest language or mother tongue, as the staff translators in EU Institutions do. The translations were checked by the Commission's in-house translators.

'Juvenes Translatores' (Latin for 'young translators') is a competition to reward the best young translators in the EU. The Commission's Translation department has been organizing the contest every year since 2007 to promote language learning in schools and give young people a taste of what it is like to be a translator.

Els noms dels guanyadors estan disponibles online.

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