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#CohesionPolicy: més de 300 milions d’euros d’inversió destinats a projectes dels estats membres




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The overall volume of investments allocated to projects in the real economy has gone up to €303 billion – an increase of €42 billion from end-2017 until June 2018, the most recent update of the ESIF Open Data Platform shows. The share of the Cohesion Policy budget devoted to specific projects over the 2014-2020 period is now amounting to 62% of the total planned budget, compared to 54% at the end of 2017. Spending on selected projects has also increased to 15% of the total planned investment over the period, with investments worth €75 billion already completed. Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Crețu (A la foto) said: “The new data received from the member states shows that Cohesion Policy implementation continues to speed up and to support economic growth everywhere in Europe.” Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain were the top performers in terms of increased selection of projects. The updated financial data is available on the ESIF Open Data Platform

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