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#EuropeanCitizensInitiative: la Comissió registra la iniciativa "Aturar el frau i l'abús de fons de la UE"




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The College of Commissioners has decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled ‘Stop fraud and abuse of EU funds'.

The proposed Citizens' Initiative calls for the application of enhanced controls and stricter sanctions in member states which are not part of the European Public Prosecutor's Office to protect the Union's financial interests.

The College Decision notes that statements of support should be collected on the understanding that they would be supporting proposals which do not differentiate between Member States solely according to their participation or non-participation in the European Public Prosecutor's Office. This is because under the Treaties legal acts may not differentiate between member states solely based on whether they participate in an enhanced co-operation. They can however do so when objectively justified, for example if there are different levels of protection of the financial interests of the Union.

The Commission's decision to register the Initiative only concerns the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analyzed the substance at this stage.

The registration of this Initiative will take place on 27 September 2018, starting a one-year process of collection of signatures of support by its organizers. Should the initiative receive one million statements of support within one year, from at least seven different member states, the Commission will have to react within three months. The Commission can decide either to follow the request or not, and in both instances would be required to explain its reasoning.


Les Iniciatives Ciutadanes Europees es van introduir amb el Tractat de Lisboa i es van llançar com a eina per establir l'agenda en mans dels ciutadans a l'abril del 2012, després de l'entrada en vigor del Reglament d'Iniciativa Ciutadana Europea que implementa les disposicions del Tractat.


Un cop formalitzada la inscripció, una Iniciativa Ciutadana Europea permet a un milió de ciutadans d’almenys una quarta part dels estats membres de la UE convidar la Comissió Europea a proposar un acte jurídic en els àmbits en què la Comissió té el poder de fer-ho.

Les condicions per a l’admissibilitat, tal com preveu el Reglament d’Iniciativa Ciutadana Europea, són que l’acció proposada no s’inclogui manifestament fora del marc de les competències de la Comissió per presentar una proposta d’acte jurídic, que no sigui manifestament abusiva, frívola o vexatòria. i que no és manifestament contrari als valors de la Unió.

Més informació

Full text of the proposed 'Stop fraud and abuse of EU funds' European Citizens Initiative (active from 27 September)

Altres iniciatives ciutadanes europees actualment recopilen signatures

Web de la iniciativa ciutadana europea

Reglament d'iniciativa ciutadana europea

Fòrum d'Iniciativa Ciutadana Europea

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