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17è país europeu que s’uneix a la cooperació #eHealth per a una atenció sanitària personalitzada  




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Croatia has become the 17thEU country to sign the European Declaration sobre la vinculació de bases de dades genòmiques a través de les fronteres that will improve understanding and prevention of diseases, allowing for more personalised treatments, in particular for rare diseases, cancer and brain related diseases.

The signature took place in Brussels during a kick-off meeting to launch the implementation of the Declaration. The Declaration is an agreement of co-operation between the countries that want to provide secure and authorized cross-border access to national and regional banks of genetic and other health data, in accordance with all EU data protection rules.

This eHealth initiative will also keep the EU at the forefront of personalised medicine globally, fostering scientific output and industrial competitiveness. The Declaration was originally launched on 10 April 2018 during the dia digital and has been since then signed by Austria,  Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

Llegiu més sobre la iniciativa europea de salut digital aquí i en els recents el comunicat de premsa.

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