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#Trade dóna suport a més de 36 milions de llocs de treball a tota la UE




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A new study published by the European Commission highlights the increasing importance of EU exports for job opportunities in Europe and beyond. EU exports to the world are more important than ever, supporting 36 million jobs across Europe, two thirds more than in 2000. 14 million of these jobs are held by women.

Since the beginning of this Commission in 2014, the number of jobs supported by exports has increased by 3.5 million. These jobs are on average 12% better paid than jobs in the rest of the economy. Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström said: "This study makes it crystal clear that trade means jobs. Exports from the EU to the world support the livelihoods of a vast, and increasing, number of citizens in every corner of Europe. EU trade also supports millions of jobs far beyond EU borders, including in developing countries. So here's even more proof that trade can be a win-win: what's good for us is also good for our partners around the world."

The report was also presented at the European Trade Policy Day, a one-day event opened by Commissioner Malmström. Involving some 700 participants, including civil society, business and experts, the event is part of the European Commission's transparent and inclusive trade policy agenda. Debates will focus on solutions to tackle the current challenges to fair and open global trade.

For more information about the report please see the el comunicat de premsa i la memoràndum. For details about trade-supported jobs in each EU country, see a dedicated interactive website.

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