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# WiFi4EU: nova convocatòria perquè els municipis sol·licitin una xarxa Wi-Fi gratuïta en espais públics




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On 19 September at 13h CEST the Commission will launch a new call for applications for WiFi4EU vouchers to set up free Wi-Fi networks in public spaces, including town halls, public libraries, museums, public parks or squares.

The call is open to municipalities or groups of municipalities in the EU until 20 September 2019 at 17:00 CEST. Municipalities will be able to apply for 1,780 vouchers, valued €15,000 each. Digital Economy and Society Commissioner Mariya Gabriel said: “It is with great pleasure that I can announce the opening of the call for the third round of WiFi4EU vouchers. With nearly 6000 grant agreements already signed, it is exciting to see the immediate benefits that this initiative is bringing to the lives of our citizens.”

The WiFi4EU scheme is administered through a series of calls, and covers all 28 EU Member States, as well as Norway and Iceland. Once municipalities have registered on the dedicated Portal WiFi4EU they will be able to apply for a voucher with just one click. The Commission is selecting beneficiaries on a first-come, first-served basis, while ensuring geographical balance.

The first two WiFi4EU calls for applications have taken place to great effect, with over 23,000 municipalities registered in the Portal and 6,200 vouchers awarded so far. The present call marks the third of four calls foreseen before the end of 2020.

Més informació està disponible online, A la Preguntes i Respostes I a full de dades, mentre que a mapa il·lustra el nombre de municipis de tot Europa que fins ara s’han beneficiat del programa.

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