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El comissari Gabriel a Àustria tractarà temes clau en recerca, innovació, educació i cultura




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Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Commissioner Mariya Gabriel (A la foto) will visit Austria today (13 February). She will meet government representatives and Austrian stakeholders in research and innovation.

Ahead of the visit, Commissioner Gabriel said: “I count on the Austrian government to strengthen the role of education, science, research, and innovation as drivers of European growth and prosperity and to support the core values of the Union”.

Commissioner Gabriel will meet with the Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz, the Minister for European Affairs, Karoline Edtstadler, and the Minister for Employment, Family and Youth, Christine Aschbacher, as well as the State Secretary for Art and Culture, Ulrike Lunacek and together with Education, Research and Science Minister Heinz Fassman, she will visit the renowned Austrian Institute of Science and Technology in Klosterneuburg. She will also discuss strategic aspects of the Espai Europeu de Recerca with key Austrian stakeholders, such as the Institute of Science and Technology.

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