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Presidència de la UE

El col·legi viatja a Ljubljana per marcar l’inici de la presidència eslovena del Consell de la UE




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Today (1 July) the College of Commissioners will travel to Slovenia on the first day of the country's presidency of the Council. The members of the College will meet in the morning their counterparts of the Slovenian government in thematic clusters. This session will be followed by a working lunch of the College and the Slovenian Government hosted by the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša. After the lunch, President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Janša will hold a joint press conference. Later, the College will meet the President of the National Assembly, Igor Zorčič and will discuss in thematic cluster with the members of the Assembly. President von der Leyen will also meet the President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor. In the evening, the College will participate in a cultural event in Bled Island, at which President von der Leyen will deliver an introductory speech. The press conference and the speech at the cultural event will be broadcast live on EBS +.

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