Connecteu-vos amb nosaltres


ETNO dóna suport a la connectivitat dels operadors UE-Ucraïna per als refugiats ucraïnesos




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Connectivity is the cornerstone of our societies and it becomes a lifeline
during times of crisis. Already in February, as soon as the war against
Ukraine started, European telecom operators immediately stepped
in with extensive voluntary measures. Such measures included providing free
or heavily discounted connectivity for Ukrainian people resident in the EU
and for incoming refugees. Telecom operators also set up free wi-fi
hotspots, local SIM cards and a series of humanitarian actions.

Among others, the following ETNO members signed the Joint Statement:
Deutsche Telekom Group, Proximus Group, Telenor Group, Telia Company, TIM
Group, Telefónica Group, Orange Group, KPN, BICS. Yet more telecom
operators are expected to join in the coming days.

Today’s Joint Statement shows the resolve of European telecom operators in
continuing to support people in need. As the crisis unfolds, we will remain
actively engaged with governments and EU institutions to ensure that
refugees continue receiving the help they need.

ETNO thanks Executive Vice-president Vestager and Commissioner Breton for
their leadership. We also thank DG Connect and BEREC for their hard work
and we look forward to continuing collaborating on these extremely
important matters.

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