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La CE inicia l'avaluació de les sol·licituds dels estats membres per allotjar l'Agència Europea #Medicines i l'Autoritat Europea #Banking




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The application procedure to host the two UK-based EU agencies, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Banking Authority (EBA), came to a close at midnight last night, 31 July 2017. The European Commission will now assess all offers in an objective manner and on the basis of the criteria set out by President Jean-Claude Juncker and President Donald Tusk, and endorsed by the Heads of State or Government of the EU27 at the European Council (Article 50 format) on 22 June 2017.

The Commission's assessment will be published online on 30 September 2017. The Council will then have a political discussion based on this assessment at the General Affairs Council (Article 50 format) in October 2017. In order to allow for a smooth and timely relocation of the two agencies, a final decision will be taken at the General Affairs Council (Article 50 format) in November 2017.

Interested Member States had until midnight on 31 July to submit their offers to the European Commission and the Council. All offers will be made available on the   of the Council.

The decision to relocate the EMA and the EBA – both of which are currently situated in London – is for the governments of the 27 Member States to take. Their relocation is a direct consequence of the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union, as notified to the European Council on 29 March 2017. It does not form part of the Brexit negotiations, but is to be discussed exclusively between the other 27 EU Member States. The Commission has repeatedly called for a quick decision on the transfer, as the EMA and the EBA are two key EU regulatory bodies which must continue to function smoothly and without disruption beyond March 2019.

Més informació

Applications to host the EMA and EBA


Decision on the procedure for relocation of EU agencies currently located in the UK

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