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#Brexit: el grup directiu insisteix en la necessitat de reconduir Irlanda / Irlanda del Nord




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Parlament Europeu Grup de direcció de Brexit presidit per guy Verhofstadt (A la foto) issued the following statement on Monday 15 October:

“We have followed very closely the developments of the last 24 hours.

"It is our very strong view that the Withdrawal Agreement must include a workable, legally operational and all-weather backstop for the Ireland/Northern Ireland border fully in line with the Joint Report of last December and the Prime Minister May’s letter to President Tusk of 19 March 2018.

"Without such a backstop, the European Parliament would not be in a position to give its consent to the Withdrawal Agreement.

"We reiterate our full support for the Chief Negotiator and his negotiating strategy.”

Composition of the Brexit Steering Group:

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