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Informe de la UE: #Ucraïna fa importants progressos en les seves reformes, però cal fer més coses en matèria judicial i lluita contra la corrupció




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The European Union has published the Association Implementation Report, which monitors the implementation of the commitments under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement over the past year. In summary, Ukraine has made progress in a number of important areas, but several outstanding reforms still need to be reinforced so that Ukrainian citizens can fully reap the benefits of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area.

"The Ukrainian authorities are carrying out difficult but rewarding reforms in very challenging circumstances. The results of these reforms are bringing clear benefits to the Ukrainian people: overall trade between the EU and Ukraine has increased by 24% in 2017, opening new markets for Ukrainian businesses, while over half a million Ukrainian citizens have travelled to the EU under the visa free regime and over 7,200 academic exchanges have taken place under Erasmus+," said High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini.

"The European Union will continue to accompany and support the Ukrainian authorities to deliver the reforms demanded by the Ukrainian people, whilst fully supporting Ukraine's independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty."

European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner Johannes Hahn, who handed over the report to Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman in Kyiv, said: "Ukraine has advanced in a number of important and demanding reforms over the past year, including health care, pensions, decentralization, public administration, public procurement and the environment. These are all vital for the implementation of the Association Agreement and therefore for a more prosperous and stable Ukraine.

"Now, in Ukraine's pre-election period, it is crucial to maintain the reform momentum and to make these changes irreversible. There cannot be roll-back on issues such as anti-corruption efforts. Continued reforms in the economic and justice sectors will send a strong signal not only to the citizens, but also to domestic and international investors and help boost the creation of jobs in Ukraine."

The Association Implementation Report, which can be read aquí, feeds into the annual EU-Ukraine Association Council, which will take place in Brussels on 17 December. A full press release is available online. Per obtenir més informació sobre les relacions entre la UE i Ucraïna, consulteu el document full de dades o el lloc web del Delegació de la UE.


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