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#YouthEmployment: mesures de la UE per fer-lo funcionar




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This time I'm voting because too many young people are still without work     

L’atur juvenil continua sent una preocupació fonamental a Europa. Esbrineu quines mesures ha adoptat la UE per ajudar.

Els joves van ser els més afectats per la crisi econòmica i financera. La taxa d'atur de persones de 15-24 anys a la UE va augmentar de 15% en 2008 a 24% a principis de 2013, amb pics a Grècia (60%), Espanya (56.2%), Croàcia (49.8%), Itàlia (44.1 %) i Portugal (40.7%).

Youth unemployment in the EU has dropped from a peak of 24% in 2013 to 15.1% in May 2018, while the share of 15-24 year olds not in work, education or training fell from 13.2% in 2012 to 10.9% in 2017. However, the unemployment rate remains higher than among the general population.

The EU launched a number of initiatives aimed at reducing youth unemployment and the European Parliament is pushing for more funds in the Pressupost 2019 de la UE for programmes such as Erasmus + and the Youth Employment Initiative.

Iniciatives per ajudar els joves

Per fer front a l'atur juvenil, els països de la UE van acordar que 2013 iniciés el programa garantia juvenil, Una Iniciativa de la UE to give everyone under 25 a good-quality offer of employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within a period of four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education”

El Iniciativa d'Ocupació Juvenil és la principal eina de la UE per ajudar a finançar mesures i programes, posats en marxa pels països de la UE per dur a terme programes de Garantia Juvenil, com ara formació i assistència als joves per trobar la seva primera feina, juntament amb incentius per als ocupadors. La iniciativa s'adreça a regions de la UE que tenen una taxa d'atur juvenil superior al 25%. Això s'aplica a més de 120 regions de 20 països de la UE, inclosos Irlanda i el Regne Unit.


D'acord amb el Comissió Europea, more than five million young people  register for Youth Guarantee schemes each year since 2014, while the Youth Employment Initiative has provided direct support to more than 1.7 million young people.

Both the Youth Guarantee and the Youth Employment Initiative focus on young people not in employment, education or training, which includes the long-term unemployed and those not registered as job-seekers.

El Aliança Europea per a l'Aprenentatge També es va posar en marxa la plataforma per donar suport a la Garantia Juvenil i millorar la qualitat dels aprenentatges a Europa.

In 2014 EU countries agreed on a Marc de qualitat per a les pràctiques in order to give young people the possibility to gain high-quality work experience in safe and fair conditions, while increasing their employability,

El Your first Eures Job initiative aims to promote labour mobility by making young people aware of job opportunities in other EU countries. A platform brings together the CVs of young jobseekers – aged 18 to 35, from all EU-28 countries plus Norway and Iceland, interested in finding professional experience abroad – and job/traineeship vacancies of employers looking for young workers.

In September MEPs voted in favour of laying down the legal framework for the Cos de Solidaritat Europea, which aims to create opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in project benefitting communities and people around Europe.

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