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Comissari Navracsics a Finlàndia per #EUYouthConference




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Today (3 July), Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
(A la foto) will be in Finland to discuss the future perspectives for education and training of young workers at the closing session of the Helsinki Youth Conference organised by the Finnish Presidency of the EU and the European Commission. Debating with young people alongside Minister of Science and Culture, Annika Saarikko, the Commissioner will highlight the role of youth work in empowering young people, and the value of developing a shared understanding of what quality youth work is.

Ahead of the event, Commissioner Navracsics said: “As our societies and young people's needs and experiences change, youth work needs to evolve. Youth work has an important part to play in equipping young people with the competences they need, and is especially valuable in reaching out to isolated young people. That is why we have placed youth work at the heart of our new EU Youth Strategy. We will work with member states to boost education and training of youth workers, for example, and keep supporting mobility of youth workers through the Erasmus programme.”

The results of the discussions at the conference will feed into upcoming Council Conclusions on the Education and Training of Youth Workers and the EU Youth Dialogue 7th cycle. Creating opportunities for Youth is a thematic priority of the current Presidency Trio (Romania-Finland-Croatia), with a special focus on 'Quality Youth Work for All' by the Finnish Presidency of the Council. The Commission has already proposed a strategic youth work agenda, endorsed in the Council's three-year Work Plan.

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