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Certificat UE COVID: el Parlament dóna suport a la pròrroga d'un any 




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The European Parliament agrees to keep the EU Digital COVID Certificate framework in place for another year, until June 2023, sessió plenària  LIBE.

To ensure that EU citizens can benefit from their right to free movement regardless of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EP plenary has endorsed the Civil Liberties Committee’s decision to open negotiations with the member states to prolong the EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC) scheme -set to expire on 30 June- for another 12 months. The plenary voted to approve negotiations on the extension with 432 votes in favour, 130 against, and 23 abstaining (EU citizens) and 441 votes in favour, 132 against, and 20 abstaining (third-country nationals).

A més d'ampliar la validesa de l'esquema EUDCC fins al 30 de juny de 2023, els canvis també permeten als estats membres concedir certificats de prova basats en nous tipus de proves d'assaig d'antigen.

Revisió al cap de sis mesos

MEPs amended the proposals to stress that member states should avoid additional restrictions to the fredom of movement for EUDCC holders, unless absolutely necessary. If restrictions are needed, they should be limited and proportionate, based on the latest scientific advice from the Centre Europeu per a la Prevenció i el Control de Malalties (ECDC) i la UE Comitè de Seguretat Sanitària.

They also ask the Commission to assess if the EUDCC scheme is necessary and proportionate six months after its extension. MEPs want to keep period in which the Regulation applies as short as possible and repeal it as soon as the epidemiological situation allows.

Propers passos


Negotiations with the Council to agree on the extension can begin immediately, so that the rules are in place before the current scheme expires on 30 June.


La creació del certificat digital COVID de la UE (EUDCC) was adopted in June 2021 per facilitar la lliure circulació a Europa durant la pandèmia, durant un període limitat de 12 mesos.

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