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Canvi climàtic

#ClimateChange: mesures de la UE per ajudar a reduir l'impacte




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Imatge de la il·lustració del canvi climàtic. Foto de Ezra Comeau-Jeffrey a Unsplash El canvi climàtic afectarà a tothom. Foto de Ezra Comeau-Jeffrey a Unsplash 

La lluita contra el canvi climàtic és una prioritat per al Parlament. A continuació es detallen les solucions que la UE i el Parlament estan treballant.

State of play in Europe: Key facts

The European Union is the third biggest greenhouse gases emitter in the world after China and the US. The energy sector was responsible for 78% of EU greenhouse gas emissions in 2015.

In 2008, the EU set the target to cut these emissions by 20% compared to 1990 levels. It is well on track to reach this goal: in 2015 the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU represented a decrease of 22% compared with 1990 levels.

Fes un cop d'ull a aquest infografies sobre el canvi climàtic a Europa.

Retall d'emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle

Under the Paris Agreement, the EU committed in 2014 to cut emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle a la UE almenys un 40% per sota dels nivells de 1990 el 2030.


To cut emissions from power stations and industry, the EU has put into place the first major carbon market with the Emissions Trading System (ETS).

For the other sectors, reductions will be achieved through agreed national emissions targets, which are calculated, based on countries' gross domestic product per capita.

The EU also wants to use the CO2 absorption power of forest to fight climate change.

Obteniu més informació sobre Mesures de la UE per reduir les emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle.

Abordar el desafiament energètic

The EU also fights climate change with a new clean energy policy. The focus is on increasing the share of renewable energy produced and creating the possibility for people to produce their own green energy.

In addition the EU wants to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and household appliances.

Descobriu més sobre  Mesures de la UE per promoure energia neta.

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