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La Comissió Europea dóna la benvinguda a l'adopció per part del Consell de noves normes de la UE per facilitar les vendes de béns i subministraments de #DigitalContent i #DigitalServices




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The Council has formally adopted new contract law rules that will help consumers be confident when buying online and give businesses harmonized aftersales conditions throughout Europe.

Digital Single Market Vice President Andrus Ansip said: "This is excellent news for consumers and ecommerce in the EU. All the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place: consumers will be better protected when shopping online, allowing them to fully enjoy key achievements of the Digital Single Market such as the end of unjustified geoblocking and more transparent parcel delivery prices”.

Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Commissioner Věra Jourová added: "Whether you buy online or in shops, consumers will now benefit from the same high level of protection. If something goes wrong, also when buying digital content, they will be able to obtain a price reduction or a replacement."

According to the new rules, if the goods or the digital content or digital services are faulty, consumers will have clear remedies: they can request that the trader fixes the problem and, if this cannot be done, get a price reduction or a refund. The rules on conformity and remedies will be the same across the EU, allowing businesses to sell goods and supply digital content and digital services across borders without having to find out which rules apply in other EU countries.

With the new rules, consumers will benefit from clear protection for the fast developing market of smart goods.  These new rules are part of the Estratègia per al mercat únic digital. Following publication in the Official Journal, member states will have to transpose the directives into their national law before they enter into application in two and a half years.

More information on the new rules available in a declaració I a full de dades


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