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#EUFacilityForRefugees a #Turkey - 5.6 milions d'euros dels 6 milions d'euros que ara es destinen en suport als refugiats




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The European Commission today (19 July) adopted a new set of assistance measures worth €1.41 billion, ensuring continued European Union support to refugees and host communities in Turkey.

The programmes will focus on the areas of health, protection, socio-economic support and municipal infrastructure. The new measures are part of the second tranche of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey, bringing the total amount already allocated to €5.6bn out of €6bn since 2016, with the remaining balance due to be allocated over the summer.

European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner Johannes Hahn said: "With this new allocation of funds, the European Union continues to deliver on its commitment to support Turkey in hosting the largest group of refugees in the world. Our assistance will focus on healthcare and protection services to refugees, and increase the resilience and self-reliance of refugees and host communities through socio-economic support. In addition, we will support municipal infrastructure in provinces with a high number of refugees.”

The new assistance measures focus on long-term support and development assistance, as a combination of agreements with partners and relevant Turkish ministries. Contracts should be signed by end-2020 and actions should be completed by mid-2025 at the latest. A particular feature of today's financial allocation is that it aims to ensure the sustainability of Facility-funded activities, reflecting the need for sustainable support for refugee inclusion, self-reliance and integration beyond the EU Facility.

More information is available on the website of the Fons de la UE per a refugiats a Turquia i en la el comunicat de premsa.

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