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Corona virus

#Coronavirus: les innovacions innovadores han estat guardonades amb 60 milions d'euros de la iniciativa de resposta a les crisis de l'Institut Europeu d'Innovació i Tecnologia




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As part of the EU's efforts to tackle the coronavirus crisis, the Institut Europeu d'Innovació i Tecnologia is announcing the EIT Crisis Response Initiative results: €60 million awarded to 62 innovation projects and 145 entrepreneurs from 32 countries to tackle the pandemic and ensuing crisis. The selected projects will help provide solutions within the EIT's key focus areas, from health and digitization to food and urban mobility, to meet the wide array of challenges posed by the crisis.

Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, responsible for the EIT, said: “The €60 million provided by the EIT Crisis Response Initiative is part of the EU's comprehensive response to the COVID-19 crisis, including substantial support to innovation. Thanks to the EIT, 62 innovation projects and 145 entrepreneurs have been given the support they need to contribute tangible products and services in the face of the pandemic. Their projects are deploying rapid solutions, equipping us with new technologies to help combat the virus and save lives. The EIT Community's efficient mobilization is a valuable contribution to Europe's efforts to overcome this pandemic.”

Almost 1,500 innovators from 44 countries applied when the Initiative was llançat el 14 de maig. The EIT Governing Board released the funding to the eight Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) on 30 June and they have now finalised their selection processes. All EIT Crisis Response activities are to be completed by the end of 2020. More information is available in the EIT el comunicat de premsa.

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