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L'informe de la Comissió mostra que els Estats membres estan intensificant les mesures per protegir #MarineEnvironment




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A new Commission report shows that member states have made considerable efforts to address pressures on the marine environment. Despite this, the measures are not yet sufficient to achieve good, healthy and productive seas by 2020.

The report on the implementation of the EU Directiva marc de l'estratègia marina assesses the measures put in place by member states to achieve 'good environmental status' by 2020. Under the Directive, EU member states are required to set up six-year strategies through which they assess their waters.

This concept is defined by measures conserving biodiversity and tackling pressures like overfishing, seabed damage, marine litter and contaminants. Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Commissioner Karmenu Vella said: "Oceans and seas are essential to the well-being of our planet, and we cannot compromise on their protection. This is why the EU has one of the most ambitious marine environment policies in the world. Over recent years, member states have put a lot of effort to ensure that the seas' resources are used and managed sustainably, relying a lot on regional co-operation. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, the measures taken so far are not yet sufficient to achieve good, healthy and productive seas by 2020. I therefore urge member states to take heed of the recommendations made by the Commission to move a step closer to achieving this goal.”

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