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El comissari Jourová participa en una conferència sobre #EuropeanElections i en #5GSecurity a Praga




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Today (3 May), Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Commissioner Věra Jourová (A la foto) is in Prague, Czechia, to speak at a conference on European elections in the context of hybrid threats. She will explain what the EU does to secure free and fair elections, including fighting against disinformation, building resilience in the cybersecurity sector and stepping up the EU's counterintelligence operational capacity.

Czechia is participating in the European cooperation network on elections set up following the Election package announced by President Juncker in his 2018 State of the Union speech. In the afternoon, the Commissioner will deliver a closing speech at the Prague 5G Security Conference, organized by the Czech National Cyber and Information Security Agency.

The event will be opened by Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and by Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Foreign Affairs. It will bring together experts on 5G networks and cybersecurity from the EU, NATO states and other countries.

Commissioner Jourová will present the European Commission's action to reinforce cybersecurity and data protection. In particular, she will focus on the Commission' recent Recommendation on 5G cybersecurity adopted by the European Commission in March, and the Reglament general de protecció de dades, which has significantly increased data and cybersecurity to prevent data breaches in the EU.

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