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El president von der Leyen participa en una reunió de 30 líders UE-Índia




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Tomorrow, Saturday 8 May, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will join the president of the European Council, the 27 EU heads of state or government, and the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, for an EU-India leaders' meeting by videoconference, hosted by the Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa. High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell will also participate. Bringing together all members of the European Council and Prime Minister Modi for the first time demonstrates the strength of the EU-India Strategic Partnership, and the mutual willingness to advance our relations. The meeting takes place in the context of a dramatic coronavirus situation in India, to which the European Union has responded in full and swift solidarity. Through the EU's Civil Protection Mechanism, the Commission has co-ordinated and co-financed the delivery by 16 member states of oxygen, ventilators, medicines and personal protective equipment in one of the largest ever responses of the Mechanism.

The value of this is estimated at over €100 million. The European Commission has also made a financial contribution of €2.2m to the World Health Organization's to increase testing and patient care capacities in India. The leaders' meeting will provide an opportunity to convey the EU's continued solidarity and willingness to support India at this difficult time. Leaders are also expected to take steps to strengthen EU-India trade and investment links, to agree a partnership on connectivity, and to discuss the fight against climate change, technology cooperation, and foreign and security policy challenges. President von der Leyen, President Michel and Prime Minister Costa will hold a joint press conference following the conclusion of the meeting, foreseen at 16h CET (15h local), which will be streamed en directe a EbS. More information on the meeting is available on the .

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